Gilhotra, Y., Overhauser, H., Yin, H., Pollmann, E.H., Eichler, G., Cheng, A., Jung, T., Zeng, N., Carloni, L.P., and Shepard, K.L., “A Wireless Subdural Optical Cortical Interface Device with 768 Co-Packaged Micro-LEDs for Fluorescence Imaging and Optogenetic Stimulation“. In 2024 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.

One of the goals of neuroengineering is to establish high-bandwidth, fully implantable, and minimally invasive wireless neural interfaces that help interrogate neural circuits in freely moving and socially behaving animals. Optical interfaces offer advantages over electrophysiological techniques such as cell-type specificity, low cross-talk bidirectionality, and wide field-of-view (FoV). While most optical interfaces to-date have taken the form of bulky “mini-scopes”, recent advances in optical interfaces have shown promise in achieving high-resolution, volume-efficient brain interfacing over large FoVs with devices accommodated entirely within the subdural space [1, 2]. These devices, however, still require wired connection through the skull, negating advantages of their volumetric efficiency.