Berk Adim

Berk Adim

Berk Adim
Berk Adim
Graduate Student


“Berk is an engineer interested in analogue electronics. Throughout his time in Columbia, he had the opportunity to work on highly varied projects, from designing an LC tank VCO and associated buffers for more integrated NV-based magnetometers to wideband charge sensing front ends and low-power ED first receivers.

Berk also has a passion for teaching, and has performed duties as a TA for multiple semesters so far. The highlight of this experience was the Columbia Tapeout course under Prof. Kinget, where Berk got to oversee student groups through the process of conception to hardware verification of their very first chip. He also loves actual football, and is a big supporter of Fenerbahçe.”


B.Sc. Bilkent University
M.Sc. Columbia University