Prashant Muthuraman

Prashant’s current research is on implantable electronics. We are developing a novel implantable ultrasonic biosensor for electrochemical sensing. It’s part of a larger DARPA funded project called TRAUMAS. Our vision is to have tiny motes that are injected into the area of a wound and provide <em>in vivo</em> data to an ultrasound patch that is wrapped around the wounded area. The motes are powered by the ultrasound patch, and they communicate with it. From an engineering perspective, it involves ultra-low power circuit design techniques, novel front-end topologies and innovative post-processing techniques. Prashant has always been an inquisitive person by nature and likes learning how things work. He welcomes technical challenges and enjoys the process of finding solutions for them. He is an avid reader of both fiction and biographies.
B. S. Indian Institute of Technology Madras
M. S. Columbia University