Single-Molecule Bioelectronics

Since its advent in the late twentieth century, single-molecule imaging and sensing has transformed our study of the structure, function, and dynamics of molecules by enabling direct observation of details which would otherwise be obscured by bulk level analysis. Such observation is particularly relevant to molecular biology and our understanding of DNA and proteins as they relate to human health. However, the widely adopted fluorescent single-molecule techniques generally cannot directly resolve molecular events occurring on sub-millisecond timescales as they are limited by the relatively slow rate of photon emission from single fluorophores.

By contrast, electronic single-molecule sensors which directly transduce to ion or electron flux can enable the study of processes occurring on timescales measurable in microseconds to nanoseconds. With this in mind, we are developing compact, low-noise, high-speed sensing platforms that integrate cutting-edge direct electronic single-molecule sensors with advanced semiconductor technologies to achieve high parallelism and performance.

A superlattice nanopore is one of these platforms. A nanopore sensor is a nanoscale hole within a thin membrane which divides two aqueous solutions. The transfer of ions through this hole acts as a measurable current when voltage clamped. When a target molecule, such as a strand of DNA, translocates through the hole, its passage obstructs the flow of ions and causes a measurable drop in current. Advancements by our group in both pore fabrication and measurement electronics have enabled homopolymer sequence resolution and translocation measurements at bandwidths in excess of 10MHz. By utilizing a superlattice of boron nitride and graphene, we have been able to utilize atomically thin gating electrodes to extend DNA translocation rates. Now we are developing an electronics platform capable of high-bandwidth dynamical control of both translocation voltage and gate potential to achieve sub-microsecond base resolution.

Furthermore, we are collaborating with Caltech to develop highly multiplexed arrays of microscale electrostatic traps to achieve single-peptide and sub-single-charge resolution for fast, high-throughput, bottom-up proteomic analysis. Doing so could enable the surveilling of the proteome, the collection of all proteins produced in a biological system, within tens of minutes – a functionality absent in existing technologies.

Finally, we have developed and utilized single-molecule field-effect transistors (smFETs) based on chemically functionalized carbon nanotubes to explore molecular interactions with high temporal resolution. By electrochemically oxidizing the nanotubes to create a defect, we can covalently attach a probe molecule to the defect site. When a target molecule binds to the probe, it modulates the nanotube’s electrical conductance, thereby conveying single-molecule binding kinetics in real-time. We have applied this approach to study a range of biological systems, including small molecule detection (e.g., serotonin) and RNA folding dynamics.