Electronics with 2D Materials
Realizing continued performance gains in Si CMOS technology by channel length scaling is becoming increasingly challenging due to the growing importance of short-channel effects such as fringe capacitance parasitics, degraded electrostatics, and gate leakage. To overcome these effects recent efforts in Silicon technology include the development of a double-gate or finFET architecture to improve device parasitics and boost device transconductance, integration of high-k gate dielectrics to reduce gate leakage, and uniaxial strained silicon channels to boost ballistic velocities. Alternatively there has been intense interest in pursuing carbon-based electronics, i.e. carbon nanotubes and graphene, in an effort to beat the performance limitations intrinsic to silicon.
Graphene is a 2-D sheet of carbon atoms and has only very recently been explored as an electronic material. It is a zero-bandgap semiconductor with a linear E-k dispersion relationship, making it a very unique material. The advantages here, similar to carbon nanotubes, are very high mobilities and saturation velocities and the potential for nearly perfect two-dimensional electrostatics in field-effect devices. Despite the zero-bandgap nature of graphene, field-effect devices with Ion/Ioff ratios of approximately 10 can be constructed and many analog/RF applications of these devices can be pursued.
We maintain an interest in pursuing foundational research into the DC and high-frequency characteristics of graphene FETs. For example, we have demonstrated the first realization of saturating graphene-FET device characteristics with larger-than-unity current gains well up to the gigahertz regime; we developed a device model for these novel FETs under high bias; and performed the first study of channel-length scaling effects down to 100 nm channel lengths, demonstrating the viability of graphene-based electronics to compete with existing silicon technology.
Our recent focus has been on further improving graphene-based technologies by developing techniques to engineer ultra-high performance devices. We developed a novel graphene/dielectric heterostructure that resulted in device performance with almost an order of magnitude improvement over previous graphene-FETs. Our dielectric, hexagonal boron nitride (an insulating isomorph of graphene), proves to be an ideal choice for graphene electronics and a successful result in quest of finding a complimentary dielectric for carbon electronics.
We are also actively exploring new ways to utilize the many unique electronic and physical properties of graphene for new device applications. For example, we are pushing the limitations of dual-gated bilayer graphene where a field tunable bandgap allows unprecedented in-situ engineering of device performance for both digital and analogue applications; by engineering novel graphene/dielectric heterostructures we are studying strongly interacting multi-layer graphene heterostructures as a possible new route towards quantum switching; and we are exploring the integration of graphene-FETs with unconventional substrates that may allow the utilization of carbon-based electronics with systems where it has been traditionally difficult to apply Silicon technology.
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I. Meric, C. Dean, S. J. Han, L. Wang, K. A. Jenking, J. Hone, and K. L. Shepard, “High-frequency performance of graphene field effect transistors with saturating IV-characteristics,” International Electron Devices Meeting, 2011, pp. 2.1.1-2.1.4. [ Data Download ]
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C. R. Dean, A. F. Young, P. Cadden-Zimansky, L. Wang, H. Ren, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, P. Kim, J. Hone, and K. L. Shepard, “Multicomponent fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene,” Nature Physics 7, pp. 693-696, 2011.
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Inanc Meric, Cory R. Dean, Andrea F. Young, Natalia Baklitskaya, Noah J. Tremblay, Colin Nuckolls, Philip Kim, and Kenneth L. Shepard, “Channel Length Scaling in Graphene Field-Effect Transistors Studied with Pulsed Current−Voltage Measurements,” Nano Letters 11(3), pp. 1093-1097, 2011.
We investigate current saturation at short channel lengths in graphene field-effect transistors (GFETs). Saturation is necessary to achieve low-output conductance required for device power gain. Dual-channel pulsed current-voltage measurements are performed to eliminate the significant effects of trapped charge in the gate dielectric, a problem common to all oxide-based dielectric films on graphene. With pulsed measurements, graphene transistors with channel lengths as small as 130 nm achieve output conductance as low as 0.3 mS/μm in saturation. The transconductance of the devices is independent of channel length, consistent with a velocity saturation model of high-field transport. Saturation velocities have a density dependence consistent with diffusive transport limited by optical phonon emission.
I. Meric, C. Dean, A. F. Young, J. Hone, P. Kim, and K. L. Shepard, “Graphene field-effect transistors based on boron nitride gate dielectrics,” International Electron Devices Meeting, 2010, pp. 23.2.1-23.2.4.
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C. R. Dean, A. F. Young, I. Meric, C. Lee, L. Wang, S. Sorgenfrei, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, P. Kim, K. L. Shepard, J. Hone “Boron nitride substrate for high-quality graphene electronics,” Nature Nanotechnology 5, 722-726, 22 August 2010.
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I. Meric, N. Baklitskaya, P. Kim, and K. L. Shepard, “RF performance of top-gated, zero-bandgap graphene field-effect transistors,” International Electron Devices Meeting, 2008.
We present the first experimental high-frequency measurements of graphene field-effect transistors (GFETs), demonstrating an fT of 14.7 GHz for a 500-nm-length device. We also present detailed measurement and analysis of velocity saturation in GFETs, demonstrating the potential for velocities approaching 108 cm/sec and the effect of an ambipolar channel on current-voltage characteristics.
I. Meric, M. Y. Han, A. F. Young, B. Ozyilmaz, P. Kim, K. L. Shepard, “Current saturation in zero-bandgap, top-gated graphene field-effect transistors,” Nature Nanotechnology 3, pp. 654-59, 2008.
The novel electronic properties of graphene1–4, including a linear energy dispersion relation and purely two-dimensional structure, have led to intense research into possible applications of this material in nanoscale devices. Here we report the first observation of saturating transistor characteristics in a graphene field-effect transistor. The saturation velocity depends on the charge-carrier concentration and we attribute this to scattering by interfacial phonons in the SiO2 layer supporting the graphene channels5,6. Unusual features in the current–voltage characteristic are explained by a field-effect model and diffusive carrier transport in the presence of a singular point in the density of states. The electrostatic modulation of the channel through an efficiently coupled top gate yields transconductances as high as 150 mS mm21 despite low on–off current ratios. These results demonstrate the feasibility of two-dimensional graphene devices for analogue and radio-frequency circuit applications without the need for bandgap engineering.