K. L. Shepard, “The challenge of high-performance, deep-submicron design in a turnkey ASIC environment” Proceedings of the 1998 International ASIC conference, pp. 183-186. (invited)
K. L. Shepard, “Design methodologies for noise in digital integrated circuits” Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference, 1998, pp. 94-99.
K. L. Shepard and V. Narayanan “Conquering noise in deep submicron digital ICs” IEEE Design and Test of Computers, January-March, 1998.
C. F. Webb, C. J. Anderson, L. Sigal, K. L. Shepard, J. S. Liptay, J. D. Warnock, B. Curran, B. W. Krumm, M. D. Mayo, P. J. Camporese, E. M. Schwarz, M. S. Farrell, P. J. Restle, R. M. Averill III, T. J. Slegel, W. V. Huott, Y. H. Chan, B. Wile, T. N. Nguyen, P. G. Emma, D. K. Beece, C.-T. Chuang, and C. Price, “A 400-MHz S/390 microprocessor” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, November, 1997, pages 1665-1675.
K. L. Shepard, “Practical Issues of Interconnect Analysis in Deep Submicron Integrated Circuits” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Design, 1997, pages 532-541
K. L. Shepard, V. Narayanan, P. C. Elmendorf, and Gutuan Zheng, “Global Harmony: Coupled noise analysis for full-chip RC interconnect networks” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1997, pages 139-146
C. F. Webb, C. J. Anderson, L. Sigal, K. L. Shepard, J. S. Liptay, J. D. Warnock, B. Curran, B. W. Krumm, M. D. Mayo, P. J. Camporese, E. M. Schwarz, M .S. Farrell, P. J. Restle, R. M. Averill, III, T. J. Slegel, W. V. Huott, Y. H. Chan, B. Wile, and P. Emma “A 400MHz S/390 Microprocessor” Proceedings of the International Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1997, pages 168-169.
K. L. Shepard, S. Carey, D. K. Beece, R. Hatch, and G. Northrop, “Design Methodology for the High-Performance G4 3/390 Microprocessor” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Design, 1997, pages 232-240
K. L. Shepard and V. Narayanan, “Noise in deep submicron digital design” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1996, pages 524-531
K. L. Shepard, M. L. Roukes, and B. P. van der Gaag, “Experimental measurement of scattering coefficients in mesoscopic conductors” Phys. Rev. B 46, 9648 – Published 15 October 1992
K. Shepard “Antiscreening and exchange-enhanced spin splitting in quantum wires” Phys. Rev. B 45, 13431 – Published 15 June 1992
K. L. Shepard, M. L. Roukes, and B. P. Van der Gaag, “Direct measurement of the transmission matrix of a mesoscopic conductor” Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 2660 – Published 27 April 1992
K. Shepard “Multichannel, multiprobe Landauer formula in the presence of a uniform magnetic field” Phys. Rev. B 43, 11623 – Published 15 May 1991
K. Shepard, Z E. Smith, S. Aljishi and S. Wagner “Kinetics of the generation and annealing of deep defects and recombination centers in amorphous silicon” Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 1644 (1988)
Z E. Smith, V. Chu, K. Shepard, S. Aljishi, D. Slobodin, J. Kolodzey, S. Wagner and T. L. Chu “Photothermal and photoconductive determination of surface and bulk defect densities in amorphous silicon films” Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 1521 (1987)