Michael Lekas, Sunwoo Lee, Wujoon Cha, James Hone, Member, IEEE, and Kenneth Shepard, Fellow, IEEE Noise Modeling of Graphene Resonant Channel Transistors, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (advanced on-line)
In this paper, we present a compact model for graphene resonant channel transistors (G-RCTs) that uses extracted electrical and mechanical parameters to provide an accurate simulation of dc, RF, noise, and frequency-tuning characteristics of the device. The model is validated with measurements on fabricated G-RCTs, which include what we believe to be the first noise measurements conducted on any resonant transistor. The noise model, which considers both electrical and mechanical sources, is used to demonstrate the fundamental differences in the noise behavior of active and passive resonator technologies, and to show how optimization of device parameters can be used to improve the noise performance of RCTs.