Daniel A. Fleischer, Siddharth Shekar, Shanshan Dai, Ryan M. Field, Jenifer Lary, Jacob K. Rosenstein and Kenneth L. Shepard. CMOS-Integrated Low-Noise Junction Field-Effect Transistors for Bioelectronic Applications. IEEE Electron Device Letters Date of Publication: 06 June 2018, DOI: 10.1109/LED.2018.2844545.
In this work, we present a CMOS-integrated lownoise junction field-effect transistor (JFET) developed in a standard 0.18 μm CMOS process. These JFETs reduce inputreferred flicker noise power by more than a factor of 10 when compared to equally sized n-channel MOS devices by eliminating oxide interfaces in contact with the channel. We show that this improvement in device performance translates into a factor-of-10 reduction in the input-referred noise of integrated CMOS operational amplifiers when JFET devices are used at the input, significant for many applications in bioelectronics.