Noah Sturcken, Ryan Davies, Hao Wu, Michael Lekas, Maurizio Arienzo, Kenneth Shepard, K.W. Cheng, C.C. Chen, Y.S. Su, C.Y. Tsai, K.D. Wu, J.Y. Wu, Y.C. Wang, K.C. Liu, C.C. Hsu, C.L. Chang, W.C. Hua, Alex Kalnitsky, “Magnetic Thin-Film Inductors for Monolithic Integration with CMOS,” Proceedings of the International Electron Device Meeting 2015
This paper presents the fabrication, design and electrical performance of magnetic thin-film inductors for monolithic integration with CMOS for DC-DC power conversion. Magnetic core inductors were fabricated using conventional CMOS processes to achieve peak inductance density of 290nH/mm2 , quality factor 15 at 150MHz, current density exceeding 11A/mm2 and coupling coefficient of 0.89 for coupled inductors.